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August 11, 2008
News: AMG Releases Bob Mizer Wrestling Tapes
Athletic Model Guild has announced the release of two new DVDs that pay homage to Bob Mizer’s 1980s wrestling tapes. Titled Wrestling Live 23 and Wrestling Live 25, the movies feature four hours of fully nude matches between more than 50 hard bodies from the last decade of Mizer’s career.
“The last years of Bob’s career [after 1985 and up until his death in 1992] aren’t very well known,” AMG president Dennis Bell says. “Physique Pictorial was no longer being produced regularly, so those years weren’t being advertised. He continued to shoot every day that he could up until his death. This footage is gritty, intensely sexual and entirely void of the innocence that marked Mizer’s early career.”
AMG promotion manager Christopher Trout adds, “The ’80s are back in a big way, and these DVDs are so ’80s. Even after the models shed the striped gym socks and short shorts, they’ve got those shaggy haircuts and mustaches that made the men of that era so hot. They are truly masculine and when they start wrestling, you can almost smell the testosterone seeping from their pores.”
Along with 480 minutes of skin-on-skin wrestling, each DVD includes more than 100 photo session stills and expanded model galleries of AMG favorites such as Jerry Suter, Tory Bell, Brian Diaz and Stavlos Aeokomas. For more information, visit
Kurt Angle RULLEZ!!
Oh, he’s a “real” modern-day wrestler. I had NO idea! Thanks for sharing, Teco.