September 29, 2010

Guy Candy: Bachelor Pad Cast

Summer’s over, and with it goes the crappy reality programming that populated the TV schedule (well, some of it remains). If you weren’t paying attention, the hideously hetero Bachelor Pad (a spin-off of the awful Bachelor franchise that was sort of like a dating show combined with Big Brother) ended with a thud a couple of weeks ago. Even though the cast was incredibly trashy (even by reality standards), several of the male contestants caught our eye—especially the winner David Good (top photo). Now the guy may be a totally arrogant a-hole, but he’s got the body of a Greek god! Sadly, he had to share half of the $250,000 prize with some bimbo he’s dating named Natalie, who famously told her fellow housemates to “Bite me.” Classy lady! Other extra-special bohunks on the show included tattooed stud Jesse (above), man whore Kovacs (below) and good guy Kiptyn (who ended up with Bachelor Jake reject Tenley—seriously, where do these people get these names!?). The ratings for Bachelor Pad weren’t great, so enjoy these smooth straight dudes while you can. We might not have ’em to kick around next summer.

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