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February 10, 2011
Guy Candy: Chris Evans for Gucci
We all know he’s gonna kill as Captain America this summer at the movies. But first, studly Chris Evans is bringing his superhero powers to a new ad campaign for Gucci. The scent is Gucci Guilty Pour Homme (a spicy mix of lavender, citrus and pink pepper), and it launches abroad next month and stateside in April. Besides the scintillating print ads you see here, Chris also filmed an online marketing campaign with actress Evan Rachel Wood. To view the futuristic clip, click here. And keep your eyes peeled for more ads, commercials (we hear the next one casts Evans as a modern-day cowboy)—and hopefully, more of his yummy (and hairy!) flesh.
DROOL! I hope the future batches feature Chris w/out the chicky. :)