February 5, 2013

News: Arpad Miklos Commits Suicide

We’re sorry to report that Arpad Miklos is dead. The porn superstar was found in his New York City apartment on Sunday, apparently after committing suicide. His passing was confirmed by writer Randal Lynch is an online interview with publicist Howard Bragman. Miklos, who was discovered by director Kristen Bjorn in 1995, was a popular model who appeared in dozens of movies, including this, this and this, for numerous studios over the years. (He is pictured below at the 2011 Hookie Awards with host Leslie Jordan.) Miklos was originally from Hungary, where he worked as a chemist. He was known for his manly physique, friendly disposition and work for various charities. According to Lynch, Miklos left a note with instructions for his burial. Those plans are currently private. He was 45.

1 comment:

  1. 5 months since Peter passed and not one comment? I never met him but have friends who knew him. The sad sterotypical statement, "The last person I'd expect to kill himself." & it's not as easy as it looks, kids. I tried twice.

    I always enjoy watching Arpad because he's not stuck up.

    fuck life.
