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February 6, 2008
News: Nickolay Petrov Charged in Murder Plot
Sarasota, Florida, television station WWSB ABC 7 is reporting that the U.S. State Attorney’s Office has charged 23-year-old Edmon Vardanyan for traveling in interstate commerce with intent to kill, injure, harass or intimidate another person. Vardanyan is also known as porn star and Jet Set exclusive Nickolay Petrov, who has appeared in such films as Code Violators, Just Add Water and Proven Straight. The station goes on to say that the FBI investigated Vardanyan for stalking a Sarasota couple after allegedly beating them with a hammer at their home in Brooklyn, New York, in September 2006 and again in Florida three months later. The suspect was identified by the elderly man and woman in a photo lineup. Vardanyan later admitted to FBI detectives that he was hired to scare them because they owed money to some individuals and refused to pay the debt. He said that he was paid $2,000. A hit to kill the couple was talked about with a price of $10,000 for each person. If convicted, the defendant faces a maximum term of 20 years imprisonment, three years supervised release and a fine of $250,000. Jet Set Men has not released a statement at this time.
waqs to be expected, just look at the very sad