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July 23, 2010
News: Levi Johnston Disses Playgirl Spread
My, how the worm turns. It was only a few months back that Levi Johnston was posing seminaked for Playgirl and walking the red carpet with fag icon Kathy Griffin to win over the all-important gay demographic. Now, in an exclusive cover story for US Weekly, the Alaskan bohunk has denounced his nudie work, telling the trashy title, “I’m almost out of the limelight, and I don’t want to do anything like that again. I want to get my GED and be an electrician.” Sounds exciting, no!? So when he’s not busy blowing smoke up future mother-in-law Sarah Palin’s lame ass, he can change a lightbulb. (We can’t imagine what he has to say about Jet Set Men’s hysterical porn parody of his sad life.) In case you haven’t heard, Johnston is once again engaged to his teenage baby mama, Bristol (they plan to wear camouflage to their wedding. Sounds klassy!), and has apologized to the Palin family for some earlier remarks that were “not completely true.” Whatever, dude! You didn’t even show your peanut of a cock and you have a flat butt! Go back to Wasilla and stay there. Snap.
I always thought Levi was a idiot and i see i was right he is a fool and does not know what he wants i feel sorry for that baby his little 15 min of fame will be used up real soon and you already did the Playgirl spread so that is in the history books if you had any dick (which i doubt) you would have been more than proud to show it off, What a "FOOL" just go away.......
ReplyDeleteI always thought Levi was a idiot and i was right , Posing for Playgirl showing your flabby ass I figured you did not have any dick because if you did you would not have mind showing that off, And that spread you did for Playgirl is in the history books for ever, What a "FOOL" i feel sorry for his child , Just go away.......
ReplyDeleteWell, "someone" is pissy today. LOL
ReplyDeleteI needed a good laugh this afternoon.
Don't worry about poor Levi...the $ he got from Sarah to make a respectable woman out of her daughter (like that could ever happen!) will keep him happier than shallow gay men who drool over his dick-less picture.
Oops. Looks like someone's pissiness has worn off on me!
Why all the venom against this kid--and he is still a kid, 20 years old. What he did was brave, gave an interview to Vanity Fair, posed nude in Playgirl--and he is goodlooking. So now he regrets one thing or another. Who doesn't regreat something done at that age? Give the guy a break, coming out of that tribe of idiots, the Palins. Good luck to you, man.
ReplyDeleteGuess Levi will take the press anyway he can get it. So Much for courting the gay demographic! Bristol and her mother make me NAUSEOUS! He Can Have Them! Great Post
ReplyDeleteTo the 2nd Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteThe fact is that he is NOT coming out of that tribe of idiots, the Palins. Have you not heard the news? He is actually diving right back in.
You say, "Give the guy a break". Are you for real?! Yes, we all make mistakes at that age, but his were a way to get away from the Palins. So to see him going back into that family has me considering warning the Palins of a leech on the prowl. But it's the Palins, so I'm keeping my mouth shut.
And for the record, being a leech takes away from whatever good looks you may have had.
Why so nasty and why attack Levi on his looks. It sounds like he didn't like doing doing the Playgirl spread afterward but, he's not bashing it. Levi also had some very nice comments about gay fans in past interviews so get over it.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to add, Levi is a father. Why not do all you can to make peace with the grandparents for the kids sake.
ReplyDeleteAnd why did he even do that spread? If you ask me, he's not in the least bit attractive. He and stupid ass Bristol deserve each other, not to mention that idiot douche Sarah. UGH!! Don't get me started. ;-)