Gay Porn News, Gossip and Information from veteran journalist Vincent Lambert. Plus Porn Star Interviews, Movie Reviews, Exclusive Photos, On the Set Reports, Behind the Scenes, New Releases, Guy Candy, Events, Web Watch and More!
April 1, 2011
News: We’re Four!…and More
My, how time flies when you’re blogging! It’s been four years since the launch of In that time, we survived year one (and the controversy surrounding our interview with Johnny Hanson about his decision to bareback), year two (this interview with Jordan Young from 1999 got picked up by The Insider and others) and year three (when we got to hang out with Simon Dexter and Jeremy Feist). In the past 12 months, we kept up the hard work with stories about porn superstars going to jail (we pretty much had the exclusive on the Robert Van Damme arrest, including his first post-prison photos and interview) and stripping for their fans (Jason Adonis and Ralph Woods). We also chatted with classic studs Clay Maverick (about his nonexistent comeback) and Mark Dalton (about his new career in bodybuilding) and newbies Logan Drake and DeAngelo Jackson.
We took another boat ride with some porn stars; went to the theater for a short-lived porn play and a one-man show; attended an awards ceremony for hookers; and caught up with our favorite nasty bodybuilder. We had our annual calendar contest (thanks to our sponsor, Titan Media); reviewed movies; and watched TV. Vince also did guest spots on the Cock2Go Show and LA Talk Radio’s The Alternative to hype the site. And sadly, we reported the untimely death of a promising young star. All in all, it was a year.
As always, we want to thank our loyal readers for clicking and all our fellow bloggers (who support us) and the studios and porn stars who give of themselves (so to speak). This fourth anniversary is the perfect time to let you guys know about some upcoming changes. The real world is calling, kids, and over the next few weeks, we won’t be able to sit in front of a computer 24/7 (as we have for the past four years). We will check in and out, but it might get a bit quiet around here. We’d like to invite you to delve into our archives for interviews with numerous screen studs, to read our more than 150 (!) movie reviews and peruse whatever else you might find of interest here. Good porn never gets old, right!? In the meantime, we’re still holding out hope that our guy Rusty Joiner (above) Should Do Porn!
Until that happens…
blogs and kisses,