September 7, 2000

Movie Review: Head Coach


Brad Austin.
Cast: Jake Summers, Tuck Johnson, Erik York, Sam Burton, Lee Hassalo, Hans Ebson, Kirk Van Buren, Scott Spears, Graham.

It seems like anyone can be a porn star nowadays. Short, overweight and balding Jake Summers is the unlikely star of Head Coach, Catalina’s latest tale of sex, jockstraps and videotape. Summers plays a horny coach who fools around with his students. When they catch him in the act, the “kids” decide to videotape it and show the evidence to his also horny assistant (Erik York), who happens to lust after the coach himself. While most of the shaved and plucked cast looks old enough to be teachers at this school instead of students, supercuties Tuck Johnson and Hans Ebson almost make up for it as a couple of frustrated wrestlers. But their oral-only pairing is marred by low energy and uninspired performances. Much like the rest of this sorry crew. Only the bad elevator music is worse than the acting and casting. (Catalina)

Reprinted from Adult Video News magazine (2000)