March 11, 2002

Porn Dictionary

Ever wonder the meaning of all those big words you hear every time you’re on a porn set? Us too! Here's a glossary of commonly used terms in the porn industry. See how many you know!

hard-core sex film showing genital penetration

softcore castrated hard-core

performer one who has the proven ability to deliver a scene

b-roll footage establishing the prenuptial narrative

money shot an ejaculation at the end of a sex scene, ensuring payment in full

tunnel shot close-up footage of genital penetration

simulation various shots of a performer pretending to have sex cut into a scene

cum face facial contortions suggesting orgasm

power fuck sex act delivered with minimum sensitivity and maximum machismo

strong top performer with proven ability to stay erect during sex

power bottom a bottom who assumes dominance of the sex act

bossy bottom a bitchy power bottom

wood a full erection

stunt dick
a phallic stand-in used in the event of a wood crisis

chicken a boyish model

orange roughy a no-longer boyish model who’s been under the sunlamp too long

c light a small mobile lamp used to illuminate areas where the sun doesn’t shine

pornologue the dialogue that sets up the sex

loop an editing technique of repeating footage in order to extend a scene

cowgirl position sex position with top lying on his back and bottom sitting on top

reverse cowgirl position cowgirl rides backward in the saddle

bush whacking
pruning of pubic bush to give the optical illusion of a longer penis

Hitler mustache the result of extreme bush whacking

d.p. double penetration

fluffer one who provides extracurricular stimulation, enabling the model to perform

viagra a gift from the god of porn, which is rendering fluffers obsolete

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