November 13, 2008

Event: Nationwide Protest Against CA’s Prop 8

In case you guys have been too busy watching gay porn to notice, the hateful Prop 8 passed last week in California. Over the past nine days, tens of thousands of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their supporters have taken to the streets of Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego to show their outrage with the outcome of the vote, which provides for a Constitutional Amendment to prohibit same-sex marriage rights (sadly, similar amendments and propositions were passed in both Arizona and Florida). But according to the No on 8 Campaign, the fight is not over. On Saturday, November 15, the LGBT community and their supporters will show their numbers in what could be the largest organized protest since the Civil Rights Movement. To date, more than 250,000 individuals have pledged to take part in the nationwide event, in which they will descend upon the city halls and state capitols in their states and on the nation’s Capitol to make their voices heard. The protest is scheduled to take place in all 50 states and the District of Columbia at the same time: 1:30 pm ET, 12:30 pm CT, 11:30 am MT and 10:30 am PT this Saturday, November 15. Those interested in attending this historic event may find their local protest location by visiting or clicking here. The organizers of this nationwide event have stressed that it, like the protests that have taken place over the past week, will also be a peaceful demonstration. The message is simple yet loud: Equal rights for all! So whether you’re gay or straight, black or white, porn fan or not, now is the time to stand up and be counted. See you there!

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