Will Clark and his Bad Boys on the Hudson set sail for the fifth time this Sunday, July 20, aboard the popular Sea Tea cruise. Among the porn star guests this year were Ty Hudson, Mike Dreyden (NYC go-go god and star of Knight Stick Films premier release, All Out Assault), Tré Xavier, Duke Rivers, Vin Nolan and Torez. DJ Randy Bettis spun, drag queen Amanda Takehometomother kept the fun flowing, and the whole deal benefited Team Eagle. Seen: (from top) Will with Tré, Duke and Mike; Torez and Ty; Mike and surprise porn star guest Enrico Vega; Torez and Mike get sweaty onstage; Tré and Ty give the snap-happy crowd its money’s worth; hot cruiser who said his boyfriend had no idea he was onboard and we better not use his picture. Well, at least we didn’t show his face! Click here to see pics from last year’s cruise. For more info, visit www.willclarkworld.com.

Tre Xavier is one of the hottest bitch bottoms around, u can't go wrong with him: droool
Luv that sleazy go at sex too, he's HOT
Tré Xavier also has a great blog where he actually dares to speak his mind and talk about controversial subject matter, both porn and nonporn related. Check it out at:
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