We don’t know Erik Rhodes. Sure, we’ve seen his movies and admired his work as a Falcon exclusive in Cross Country, Dare and Heaven to Hell. We’ve even written about him, but we don’t know him personally. So when we heard about his new blog, we were mildly curious, but nothing prepared us for the drama that is this new Web site. Now, beefy Rhodes had been dating a guy named Danny from MTV’s Road Rules (we don’t know him either). The porn star and the reality star hit a snag in their relationship, and the ensuing nasty breakup is all fodder for Rhodes very personal posts. The drugs! The sex! The 12-step recovery from the sex! The fistfights! The police intervention after the fistfights! It’s all here. This guy is like the Britney Spears of gay porn—a total wreck on the highway that you can’t help but look at (and what a great bod to admire while we’re gaping!). But after reading Rhodes’ heartfelt and honest posts, you can’t help but respect his journey through darkness and his willingness to help himself heal. (You even start to forgive his bad spelling and grammar!) Hey, we’ve all been there, bitches, so give the hunk a break. And while you’re at it, visit the highly addictive www.erikrhodes.blogspot.com. It just might help the big guy feel better.
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