Bel Ami exclusives and real-life twin brothers Milo and Elijah Peters (above) are causing a stir. A scene in their new film, Sex Buddies 1, was apparently too hot to handle for censors in the United Kingdom, who asked the company to reedit the sequence before it could be distributed in the United States. According to Bel Ami, once the amorous twins got going, they just couldn’t keep their hands off each other. The studio attempted to discourage the bros from playing together, but the guys asked, ”If we do it at home anyway, what’s wrong with doing it on film?” When asked what “it” means, they replied, “Everything.” Okay, the whole brothers-doing-it craze has officially jumped the shark! The scene is available now at BelamiOnline.com.…In other couple’s news, the most disturbing video we saw last week came courtesy of Falcon exclusives Aden and Jordan Jaric, who posted footage of themselves on their blog getting Botox. The sexy supercouple both took injections to the brow and Jordan (who admitted to getting a nosejob earlier this year) had his upper lip plumped. WTF? They’re only in their twenties! So what possessed these cuties to go under the needle at such a tender age? “I really got it just for the fun of it,” Aden writes. ““I wanted to see what the big deal was and why everyone gets it done. It’s kinda cool to not constantly have your eyebrows and forehead squinted in the sun. I like it.” Oh well, at least they’re not screwing their siblings!…Pacific Sun Entertainment has announced that 20-year industry vet and recent GAYVN Hall of Fame honoree T.J. Paris, who has some 280 productions to his credit, will take the helm of a new line of features for the company. Paris has been specializing in the gay-for-pay genre of late and will direct Straight Up Dudes! for an early summer release. The film stars Hayden Stephens (below), who is rumored to be Jet Set Men’s latest exclusive. He’s got a hot bod, so we’ll forgive him the pesky hetero thing. For more information, visit gaymagix.com.

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